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Seven Benefits of Building a Website for your Small Business

May 14, 2019


When making a decision about creating a new website for your small business, the first pushback is usually cost. Business owners don’t like to see money flying out of the door without a solid promise of return. However, the bottom line is, and always will be, you have to spend money to make money. Studies show 70 to 80 percent of people research a company online before visiting the business or making a purchase with them, making it undeniable that a website is necessary for every type of business. By choosing not to have a website, you are limiting your business’s potential. The Internet will continue to grow, let it help you grow as well.

The seven benefits of a website for small business include:

  • Improved credibility. If your customers don’t trust you, they’re not going to buy from you. When potential customers go online to search for your business, they expect to find a website. For the potential customer that has never met you or your business, the absence of a website could be a red flag, and your business could be viewed as illegitimate.

  • Greater reach. Billions of people use the internet every day. By creating an awesome website, you have the potential to reach those billions of people, which will create brand awareness and increase leads.

  • 24/7 access. A website allows your business to always be open. A good website offers valuable content to users, answers questions, demonstrates knowledge, and allows users get to know your business.

  • Information about your customers. Once users interact with your website by signing up for your mailing list, downloading a free ebook, donating to your cause, or any other situation where a person engages with your business, you receive the most powerful thing a business owner can have: data. You will know who’s interacting, when they are interacting, what they are viewing, and how often they are on your website. This information can help your business optimize targeting strategies and decide what works and what doesn’t for your business.

  • Increased leads. You’re opening your business up to a whole new group of people who may not have found you otherwise. A website will help you create a relationship with this new pool of customers and turn them into loyal patrons of your business. It becomes simple to retain customers and increase leads through blog subscriptions, newsletters, and other engaging content. By nurturing that relationship, those leads are more likely to convert into paying customers.

  • Saving money. If your business does not have a website, this should be the only thing you and your colleagues need to hear to make you say, ‘Sign me up!’ Promoting your business with a website is substantially less expensive than, for example, taking out an ad in a newspaper. Plus, you have the potential to be viewed by a much wider audience.

  • Saving time. Having a good website can eliminate the time you spend on the phone, face-to-face, or responding to emails with questions from potential customers. Having an informative website can answer any and all of your customers’ questions, leaving them to buy your product or service.

These are just a handful of the most prominent benefits of a website for small businesses, and once your business makes the digital leap, you’ll soon discover the endless benefits for yourself. Making the decision to create a business website may not be the easiest task, with cost usually being the biggest roadblock. But a good-looking, efficient website doesn’t have to cost a fortune. A little money, time, and effort can go a long way, and a well-constructed website can only do good for your business. Byte Size has some fantastic options for getting a customized website up quickly and affordably! See how Byte Size can make your ideas come to life.


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