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how to create landing pages that work

What Makes a Landing Page Convert?

August 26, 2019

Does this situation sound familiar? You have an awesome product, your Facebook ads are getting clicks, and your small business website is getting decent traffic, but you’re not seeing many leads generated or conversions from your efforts. Don’t throw in the towel just yet. You can create a landing page that’s irresistible to potential customers with just a few easy steps.

Attention-grabbing headline

Your headline is the first thing someone will see after they click on your ad. It has to be powerful and compelling. Within seconds of being on your landing page, a visitor should be able to understand what you’re offering. A good headline has the power to grab attention and keep them wanting more. Try out these tips for writing a great headline.

Strong subhead

Almost as important as your headline, your subhead should keep the attention of a visitor and entice them to read more. The subhead is meant to supplement the headline. Here, you can go more in depth about your offer and add a little more persuasion.

Body copy that evokes emotion

The body of your landing page is where you can really captivate a visitor. When explaining your awesome offer, acknowledge the pain points your ideal customer has and how your product can make his or her life easier. When a visitor is able to connect with something on a personal level, there’s a much higher chance they’ll convert.

What you have that the competition doesn’t

Chances are whatever you’re offering, dozens of other companies are offering the same thing. So what makes you stand out from the rest? Let your landing page visitors know what makes you different, why someone should buy from you instead of your competitors. The more compelling this piece is the higher conversion rate.


Eye-catching imagery is essential to a landing page that works. Make sure your images are large, high-quality, and relevant to your product or service. If you’re selling a physical product, images are even more important for letting the visitor know exactly what they’ll be getting. If you’re selling a service, use imagery as a tool to grab the attention of visitors. Don’t have your own imagery? Pexels is a great place to get free, high-quality stock photos.

Call to action

A good call to action will leave no question in a visitor’s mind about what you want them to do on your landing page. Your call to action should stand out using contrasting colors and action-oriented language. For example, ‘buy now,’ ‘download my free eBook,’ or ‘get started.’ It’s also important to place your call to action above the fold (a.k.a. before a visitor needs to scroll). This way, it’s clearly visible and one of the first things a visitor sees.

Short forms

Oftentimes, a call to action will follow a form. Nowadays, the amount of information visitors are willing to give out to strangers is dwindling, so a long form asking for a name, email, phone number, and home address is not your best bet. We don’t want to make our visitors do more work than they have to. Making your form as short as possible will yield the highest results. Simply asking for an email address and a name can be immensely effective.

Not too much, but not too little, just right

On your landing page, you need just enough information to convince visitors to convert, but not so much that they get bored reading and leave the page. Keeping your copy concise will keep your visitors’ attention, and they will be more likely to convert.

Ways to contact you

Right off the bat, you need to earn your potential customers’ trust. They’re not going to give you their money if they can’t trust you. By adding several ways to contact your business, it will show visitors you’re a legitimate business. You can add links to social media accounts, a business email address, and phone number in the header or footer of your landing page to let visitors learn more about you.

By following these tips, you’ll be on the right track to creating landing pages that convert for your small business website. The work doesn’t stop there though! If you’re not seeing the results you’re looking for, try optimizing the landing page. Change up the headline, add some new images, or change the color of a button. One small change can make a big difference.

Is your website traffic lacking? Learn how to make your website search engine friendly to rank higher on search engines!

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