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web design influencers

6 Web Design Influencers you Should be Following

August 26, 2019

Influencers offer new perspectives, ideas, and advice to specific niches. If you are someone interested in web design, or are in the process of coming up with ideas for your own website, there are many people you can follow on social media who will help you expand your horizons in web design. Here are six influencers that our Philadelphia web designers recommend:

1. Jeff Zeldman

Jeffrey Zeldman, AKA the “King of Web Standards” deemed by Bloomberg BusinessWeek, has been a driving force in the web design field since 1995. Zeldman is an author, speaker, and the creative director of A List Apart, an online magazine for “people who make websites” with over 65,000 readers weekly. Currently, Zeldman works as the creative director for Automattic, the creators of WordPress.

Join his hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram @Zeldman, or dive into his website: 

2. Chris Coyier

Chris Coyier is dedicated to teaching all things web development. He’s the founder of CSS-tricks, a platform that helps people navigate Cascading Style Sheets, and cofounder of CodePen, a social development environment for front end designers and developers. Stay up-to-date with one of the best coders in the industry @Chriscoyier

3. Vitaly Friedman

Vitaly Friedman is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine, an online magazine for professional web designers and developers. He is known for his love of beautiful content, speaking at conferences, and running workshops and webinars. Join him and his 988,000 followers on Smashing Magazine’s Twitter account, and visit his website for recent articles.

4. Karen McGrane

Even on a bad day, Karen McGrane is always making web more awesome. Curious about content strategy and mobile? Karen McGrane is your girl. Known for her expertise in user experience design and website content strategy, she is an author, project leader, and professor at the School of Visual Arts in New York where she teaches design management. Follow Karen here: @karenmcgrane

5. Dave Shea

O’ Canada, how we love your web designers.  Dave Shea, a Vancouver resident, is well known for the creation of, which has helped push boundaries of web-standard development. Shea writes for a variety of publications, including Smashing Magazine, and has written and co-authored 23 books. When he is not freelance writing or speaking at conferences around the world, you can find him enjoying a cold beer– check out his beer log. Follow him at

6. Dan Cedarholm

If you are interested in web design, you’re most likely familiar with Dribbble, the show-and-tell website that lets designers upload updates of their work in progress. Dan Cedarholm is the mastermind and cofounder of Dribble. He is also the founder of simplebits, a tiny design studio where he makes websites for people, and he blogs about everything from CSS to craftsmanship. Follow this “Dad in Real Life” alongside his 101,000 Twitter followers @simplebits.

As one of the top firms specializing in web design in Philadelphia, take our word and follow these six web design influencers on social media. Each one pushes the envelope in the web design industry and will keep you updated on the latest trends and patterns.

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