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What You Don’t Want to Miss at the B. PHL Innovation Festival

September 25, 2019

B. PHL Innovation Festival is about to kick off its inaugural year. It packs a powerful punch with over 150 events in more than 12 locations in just a three-day span. As the name suggests, this festival is all about innovation. Each day is packed with workshops and exhibits showcasing innovation in technology, engineering, art, music, business, and much more. Unlike other festivals and conferences, you’ll be face-to-face with our city’s leading thinkers who are making a change in Philadelphia. Mark your calendars for October 15 to 17 and be sure to get an all access ticket so you don’t miss out on any of the awesome speakers and workshops! Luckily, we’ve cherry-picked our favorite and most compelling events to attend.

Design for Everybody: Creative Ideas for Wellness and Inclusion 

This session, delivered by author and graphic designer Ellen Lupton, looks at how products, devices, and environments affect our well-being. Lupton explores human-centered design to answer this question. Attendees will learn about the collaborative journey everyone must take to create a more humane world.

#FuturePHL – Women Leading in Healthcare and Technology 

Although Philadelphia is ranked highly in diversity, there’s still more we can do. This session features a panel of innovators exploring how we can unlock our potential for increasing women in technology, healthcare, and the sciences. The panelists will discuss how they’re flipping the script and creating more opportunities in these growing industries. 

Your Name in Lights: Elevating Personal Brand Identity  

Gilman Hanson is the leader of his design company and is delivering this interactive workshop that will show attendees how to formulate their personal brand and create something truly unique that defines your business’s strengths, values, and attributes. Hanson’s bread and butter is attracting brand fans and creating a better user experience using big ideas backed by creative execution and data mindfulness. 

Abbi Jacobson Fireside Chat  

Abbi Jacobson is a producer, director, illustrator, actor, and author. She’s best known as co-creator of Broad City and is returning home to Philadelphia to indulge in a fireside chat about how she approaches innovation as a woman in comedy. During this chat, attendees will also have the opportunity to engage with her in a Q&A session.

These sessions and workshops are just the tip of the iceberg. Explore all of the events happening here: and be sure to register!

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